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Through a global network of youth, Empower Peace is providing the next generation with the opportunities and tools needed to build cultural competencies, develop leadership skills, advance mutual respect and understanding, promote peace and confront the issues of today. 

Empower Peace, a Boston USA-based international non-profit was created in 2003. The organization’s crown jewel is our international young women’s leadership program, developed to provide rising young female leaders with the skills needed to succeed in our global community.  Empower Peace’s Leadership Program builds a network of promising young women from around the globe, engages them in the issues that define their lives, and provides them with the tools, relationships and opportunities required to lead. 

Since its launch in 2006, close to 3,000 emerging female leaders from nearly 90 countries have participated in this life-changing leadership experience.  

The overwhelming success and impact of our Leadership program has inspired us to create and launch both an International VIRTUAL University and a Bahrain-specific virtual program, entitled: The Bahrain Women’s Leadership Program! 

Since our creation in 2003, the great nation of Bahrain has played an integral part in the evolution and growth of Empower Peace. Our first virtual connections video conference in 2003 featured high school students in Manama interacting with their American peers in Boston, sharing insights into their cultures and daily life-styles. In 2006, our very first international delegation to attend the first leadership conference in Boston was comprised of eight amazing young leaders from Bahrain.  So, we so see it as only fitting that we launched our first virtual learning experience with our good and longtime friends from the great nation of Bahrain!



U.S. Embassy Manama


The United States established diplomatic relations with Bahrain in 1971 following its independence from the United Kingdom. The U.S. Embassy in Manama opened September 21, 1971 and a resident ambassador was sent in 1974. The Bahraini Embassy in Washington, D.C. opened in 1977. The current building of the U.S. Embassy located in the Zinj district of Manama officially opened July 4, 1990 by his highness the Amir Shaikh Isa Bin Salman Al-Khalifa.